Our Why

So why do we bother with all this blogging stuff?

Striving for Balance in a Lopsided World

Navigating through the recommendations of what’s good for us, and bad for us, can be frustrating to say the least. What’s good today is bad tomorrow. So we started this website as a journal of sorts, to keep track what we try, what we like, what works for us, what makes us happy, and sometimes what we don’t ever want to do again! We’re sharing to hopefully help others going through a similar process, as well as to get other opinions.  We’re not die-hard fanatics about any specific diet or fitness plan. We’re exploring.

We don’t claim that anything on this site is going to improve your health. We also believe in allowing for the traditional family favorites, and celebration-appropriate foods and recipes. We shouldn’t have to deny ourselves occasional treats, like those Christmas cookies from that recipe handed down for generations, or that special birthday cake that Dad requests every year. We totally believe that cheat days can be good for the soul and keep us from feeling deprived.

We love using seasonal, local, fresh ingredients to create healthful meals. We believe that regular exercise and other healthy habits can make us feel better, and hopefully look better too. We know that our mental and emotional health also need to be addressed, and that there is a balance we need to aim for in work, play, and relaxation. Balancing the time to “sizzle” and time to “chill” is part of the process. Finding that balance is the hard part, but we’re trying.

While initially focusing mostly on recipes, we hope to build this into not only a food blog, but a site where we can keep a record and share some of our favorite things! From our favorite books and kitchen tools to dining experiences, we hope to share a bit of what we enjoy most.

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