by Stacey McNeill | Nov 29, 2021 | Butternut Squash, Dinner, Entrees, Fall, Gluten-free, Holiday Recipes, Make-ahead, Pumpkin, Recipes, Soup, Vegan, Vegetable Side Dish, Vegetarian, Winter, Winter Squash
As soon as the weather gets nippy, I’m ready to start making big pots of soup, especially winter squash soup with aromatic herbs that just scream FALL IS HERE! So this soup is one that is in regular rotation especially around Thanksgiving, as the flavors are super...
by Stacey McNeill | Jan 4, 2021 | Beets, Fall, Recipes, Turnips, Vegan, Vegetable Side Dish, Vegetarian, Winter
When I have a few different root veggies that need to be used, this roasted vegetable dish is our go to. In our CSA box the last couple weeks we’ve been getting turnips, beets, sweet potatoes and onions. Since I had a few carrots too I figured why not roast them...
by Stacey McNeill | Oct 14, 2020 | Dinner, Greens, Lemon, Pasta, Recipes, Spinach, Vegetable Side Dish, Vegetarian
Faced with a big bag of spinach and a couple lemons that needed to be used, like today, as well as some chicken stock in the fridge, I noodled on how we might combine these for dinner. Bonus that we also had an open container of orzo and some feta too. While I...
by Stacey McNeill | Aug 9, 2020 | Appetizers, Basil, Family Favorites, Italian, Recipes, Summer, Tomatoes, Vegan, Vegetable Side Dish, Vegetarian
Sometimes simple is best, especially when we’re talking about simply using the best of the season in a way that brings out and highlights the flavor of each ingredient With a load of tomatoes and fresh basil coming in from our CSA as well as the garden,...
by Stacey McNeill | Mar 25, 2020 | COTF-Clean Out The Fridge, Fennel, Recipes, Turnips, Vegetable Side Dish
Roasted vegetables are a perfect, hands-off veggie dish for a big family dinner or for when company is coming. You can wash and cut all your veggies ahead of time and just pop them in the oven when it gets close to dinner time. This is really more of an idea than a...
by Stacey McNeill | Feb 3, 2020 | Basil, Greens, Make-ahead, Potluck recipes, Recipes, Salads, Spinach, Vegetable Side Dish, Vegetarian
This recipe is my potluck go-to if I’m charged with bringing a salad or side dish. It’s an ideal dish to bring that can sit around for possibly hours and is good at room temperature, and doesn’t include lettuces that easily wilt or things like mayo...
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